Club 3:16
Kids ages 3 (and potty trained) -5th Grade Meet at the church for a fun night filled with games, crafts, lesson and snacks.
Kids ages 3 (and potty trained) -5th Grade Meet at the church for a fun night filled with games, crafts, lesson and snacks.
7:00 AM At the church.
9:00am at the church
Men's and Women's Group
Guest speaker is Nelson Miles. Invite your friends and boys to join you for food, fellowship and fun. Lots of Door Prizes to be won along with the “Traveling Trophy” for Top Dish. Bring your game dish and/or a side dish or dessert. Contact Kohl Johnson for further details.
Men's and Women's Group
Men's and Women's Group
The Alliance MomCo (formerly MOPS) is hosting a Soup Luncheon and Silent Auction fundraiser! Besides inviting the church and entire community to the event, we are looking for donations of crockpots of soup and silent auction items. This fundraiser will be going toward childcare costs and extraneous operating costs associated with our meetings and special […]