Here are some FAQ's about our Sunday services that may be helpful to you.


What time is your worship service?

Our worship services are at 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM with nursery & children's church available during the 10:30 service.


What entrance should I use?

Our main entrance is on the southwest side. As you enter, you'll be greeted by friendly faces and find our information kiosk on the right where the host can answer questions you may have. 


What is it like? 

Our services are approximately 60 minutes and usually consist of a few worship songs, followed by prayer and a message from the Bible. The best way to describe our worship services are friendly, relaxed, reverant, and full of life. You can get a taste for what our worship services are like on our Youtube channel livestreams.


What about my kids?

Kids are welcome in all the large gatherings. During the 10:30 service we have nursery (pre-K) and children's church (K-5) available, as well as a Mothers and Infants Room. 


Where do I park?

We have parking available on the north, east, and west sides of the church. We also have a large parking lot catty-cornered across the street to the north west.


What do I wear?

We have no dress code for our gatherings. You'll see people dressed casually and dressed up.


How can I learn more and get connected?

We have a greeting team ready to meet you at our information kiosk located near the main (west) entrance. There, you can find brochures and sign up sheets to help with your questions. 


Other questions? 

Please contact us and we'll be glad to help out in any way we can.



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