For kids ages birth – 5th grade.

Hi! I’m Debbie Johnson, Director of Children’s Ministry here at the Alliance Berean Church. ABC KIDZ is here to teach children about God and His Word, to love and care for them and to have fun!

We have staffed nursery for ages: birth-3years. Currently we offer CHILDCARE at our 10:30 worship
service. Our nursery is “ALLERGY friendly”, offering a “safe snack” and water for the children. No outside food or drink allowed, please. (Except black coffee for the volunteers.)

Children’s Church is available year-round for ages: 3yrs-4 th  grade. This takes place during the Pastor’s Message. Currently it is at the 10:30 service. We teach Bible lessons and do a craft or activity page. We may even incorporate a game, if time permits!

During the school year, we also serve the children in our community with CLUB 3:16. It is a Bible Club for ages 3yrs. (by August and toilet-trained)-5 th  grade. We meet on Wednesdays, 6:30-7:45 PM, September-April. We sing worship songs, learn about God, memorize His Words, have party nights, snacks and games. Please call the church office during office hours or stop by to register your child and for exact dates.

VBS is our summer, week-long ministry. It is for ages: 4 yrs (toilet trained) through those who have just completed 5th grade. Our Director, Angie Wickham (308-763-1705), goes ALL OUT for this special time. Each year we have a FUN theme, a BIBLE- focus, action-packed WORSHIP, yummy SNACKS, Creative Crafts and AMAZING games…sometimes involving water! Please contact Angie for more info. Call the church office for exact dates. 

All the above ministries thrive as people step up to VOLUNTEER. We couldn’t do this ministry without them. If you have a heart for children and want to be a part of the team, call Debbie, 308-746-1821. Thanks for stopping by!