Celebrate Recovery is a 12 step Christian organization. After we have worked through the 12 steps, which are scripture-based, we then guide others through their hurts, habits and hang-ups to guide them into the freedoms Jesus has to offer to celebrate life.
Some hurts, habits and hang-ups include abandonment, abuse, betrayal, rape, rejection, alcohol, drugs, eating disorders, gossip, sex addictions, anger, anxiety, codependency, fear, guilt, materialism, pride and self-righteousness, to name a few. God wants us to be free of these struggles and not controlled by them. He doesn’t want us just to survive life, but to celebrate it.
Large group begins with songs, announcements, and a lesson or testimony followed by gender specific open share group meetings.
Open share groups adhere to and enforce group guidelines:
- Keep sharing focused on your own thoughts and feelings.
- There is no cross-talk. Cross-talk is when two people engage in conversations excluding all others.
- We are here to support one another, not to fix one another. This keeps us focused on our own issues.
- Anonymity and confidentiality are basic requirements. Wat is shared in the group stays in the group. The only exception is when someone threatens to injure themselves or others.
- Offensive language has no place in a Christ-centered recovery group.
CELEBRATE RECOVERY groups meet every Friday evening from 5:30 to 8:00 at the Alliance Berean Church
Childcare is available
Contact information
Randy Farritor 303-912-6653
Echo Sanchez 308-383-5454
Victor Sanchez 308-760-4795
Carol Howell 308-225-0180
Julie Trickler 541-223-8113