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Silent auction on March 29, 9am-3pm. Soup luncheon & final bids March 30, 11:30am-1:30pm. 15 different soups & breads! 


The MomCo is a non-profit organization that encourages and equips moms of young children to realize their potential as mothers, women, and leaders, in relationship with Jesus and in partnership with the local church. 

Each year we hold a Silent Auction & Soup Luncheon to cover expenses associated with the MomCo organization. We are asking for soup & bread contributions, as well as Silent Auction items. 

There is a sign-up sheet for Soup & Bread donations at the information desk. If you could have the food at the church by 10:30am the morning of March 30th that would be great.

We appreciate your help in this fundraiser!

Any questions about the Silent Auction, Soup Luncheon or MomCo contact Darian Perrin at 719-849-9319 or Taylor Shafer at 402-547-0984.
