Born and raised in Alliance, I was blessed by growing up in a home where my parents both planted seeds of faith into my sister and I. Through my upbringing, I was active in our church, although not always willing. Church was required but I didn’t understand why it was important, so it was hard for me to navigate as a young person.
Not only did I have parents caring for my spiritual growth but also grandparents, aunts, and uncles. As a kid, I attended an outdoor bible camp near my grandparent’s ranch in Broadus Montana and heard the gospel message and understood what I needed to do. From that message, I repented of my sins, received forgiveness, and became a child of God. At that time, I chose to be baptized and was baptized in the Powder River.
As a teen and young adult, I often found myself pursuing my own desires and desires of this world. This led me to ignoring God and only interacting with him when I was facing hardship or wanted something. I didn’t get serious about my relationship with the Lord until meeting a professor at WNCC who discipled me and taught me biblical truths that completely changed my trajectory. One of those truths spoke to the identity Christ gives anyone who calls upon his name: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17
God answered many prayers when he led me to my wife Ruth. We were married in 2020 and in 2022 we had our son Judah. 2024 brought us the blessing of our daughter Hadassah (Haddie Anne).
Ruth and I are passionate about people, worship, and serving the Church. You can find us enjoying coffee, doing anything outdoors, making music, or exploring new recipes in the kitchen.
Mon to Fri 8AM - 5PM